Take Back Africa Summit is made up of young African millennials living in the diaspora with one goal in mind: How can we improve the betterment of the African continent and make it sustainable for future generations? We’ve attended various institutions and currently hold degrees and awards across the professional spectrum abroad. Our knowledge and skills ranges from non-governmental organizations, education, law, health, marketing, and technology. With these resources and staying in tune with current events back home, we believe that we are ripe to take on the challenges that Africa faces.
The Take Back Africa Summit is the annual three days conference organized by the Take Back AfricaFoundation. The Take Back Africa Summit is a place where young African millennials seeking a safe space to produce innovative solutions in the realms of economic revitalization, infrastructure development, public health and education reform gather in fellowship. The goal of the summit is to create a platform for culturally responsive solutions for “African” disparities by “African” millennials. The goal of the summit is to inspires, equip and connect African diaspora millennials to resources and each other to start implementing solutions to disparities that exist on the continent.
Friday (June 15, 2018)
Summit Registration 3:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Check in and Register at Coffman Memorial Union (300 Washington Avenue SE)
Opening Reception 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Welcome - MC
Summit Theme: “Unleash the power from within”
Introduction of Summit Planning Team
Performance - TBA
Welcome Address - Elijah Kondeh
Networking Activity
Performance - TBA
Saturday’s Schedule
Saturday (June 16, 2018)
Registration: 8:00am - 10:15am
8 - 8:45: Breakfast on your own
9:00am - 10:15am: Opening Session
Location: Great Hall
Welcome - MC
Networking Activity
Introduction of Speaker
Morning Address: Bleejay Innis
Performance TBA
Award to millennial: Focused on Infrastructure and Development
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